The week's events

  • Beginner SUP Whitewater Clinic

    Beginner SUP Whitewater Clinic

    September 4, 2021 September 5, 2021

    We are hosting a 2 day SUP Whitewater Beginner Workshop with ACA Certified Whitewater Instructor Jared Munch - Superior Paddle Academy in Duluth. A fun local opportunity to learn SUP whitewater fundamentals offered Saturday & Sunday Sep 4 & 5 9am-4pm. Learn equipment, paddle strokes, turns, eddy entries, peeling out, reading water lines and whitewater safety. All equipment will be provided including board, paddle, helmet, leash, pfd, and knee pads. All you need to bring is a packed lunch, water and snacks. Space is very limited. .

    *Must be comfortable and proficient navigating a SUP or have good crossover whitewater sports knowledge. Not for the SUP beginner or those new to paddling.

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